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From 10 to 14 December, the official launch mission of the study on the impact assessment of the implementation of the ECOWAS Common External Tariff (CET) on the Cabo Verde economy was held. The mission was conducted by a team consisting of the Director of Customs, Taxation and Taxes of the ECOWAS Commission, Mr. Salifou TIEMTORE, a member of the team of consultants Dr. Yaya KY and the focal point Mr. Guntar CAMPOS. Commissioned by the Ministry of Finance of Cape Verde and funded by the ECOWAS Commission, the study will be conducted by a team of two consultants economists modellers.

The objective of the mission was to officially launch the study through an information visit of the different ministerial departments concerned by the study but also to collect the necessary data for its realization. Specifically, it was a question of explaining to the managers of the different departments we met the need for their involvement in the implementation of the study so that the recommendations that will result from its results can provide the optimal conditions for applying the CET. in Cape Verde.

The institutions met are:

The National Directorate of State Revenue (DNRE);
The Prospecting, Macroeconomic and Statistics Monitoring Service (SPAME) at the National Directorate of Planning (DNP)
Chamber of Commerce (CCISS);
The Directorate of Agriculture and the Department of Livestock and Zoosanitary Inspection (DEGASP);
National Institute of Statistics (INECV);
National Directorate of Industry, Trade and Energy (DNICE).